interfaith wedding

Interfaith couple complains against US hotel that wouldn’t host wedding

This should not shock me, we still have a few out there who want to control others’s faith and life matters. Why does it matter to him?  Someone needs to sit down with him and explain the idea of minding one’s own business. Mike Ghouse Interfaith Wedding Officiant # # # Owner of Illinois inn […]

Interfaith couple complains against US hotel that wouldn’t host wedding Read More »

Fairmount Temple clergy aligned in interfaith marriage ceremony

It is difficult if not impossible for Rabbis, Bishops, Pastors, Imams, Pundits, Shamans and others to let one of the members of their flock go, instead of losing them, they have chosen to take the step forward, ” with the condition that the couple share a Jewish home and lifestyle – after “almost a decade

Fairmount Temple clergy aligned in interfaith marriage ceremony Read More »

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