Author name: mikeghouse

AAP welcomes BJP’s stand on inter-faith marriages

New Delhi: Delhi’s ruling am Aadmi Party (AAP) on Sunday said it welcomed BJP’s support to inter-faith and inter-religious marriages. “Irrespective of our political ideologies, I welcome Manoj Tiwari ji who has supported inter-faith and inter-religious marriages by consenting adults,” AAP spokesperson Saurabh Bhardwaj tweeted. According to Delhi Police, the woman’s family was against their […]

AAP welcomes BJP’s stand on inter-faith marriages Read More »

Even in the US, it’s a roller coaster for interfaith marriages

AHMEDABAD: The clamour over ‘love jihad’ grows louder before every Valentine’s Day. However, the apprehension about interfaith marriage is not just an Indian reflex but also an equally big challenge in countries such as the US. Dilip Amin, a native of Gujarat who is settled in the US for the past four decades, has established an online forumdedicated to addressing concerns

Even in the US, it’s a roller coaster for interfaith marriages Read More »

Bill to protect clergy from performing marriages passes WV House

By Jake Zuckerman Staff writer Jan 30, 2018 The House of Delegates passed a bill Tuesday that would give legal protections to religious clergymen who decline to affirm marriages that conflict with their religious beliefs. House Bill 4010 is now en route to the state Senate after its 90-5 passage vote. The bill shields clergymen like priests, rabbis or

Bill to protect clergy from performing marriages passes WV House Read More »

Kashmir’s good story – Muslims adopting Hindu kids and raising them as such

This is a blessed morning two good stories from India, one about Kerala Hindu family adopting a Muslim girl and raising her as a Muslim and getting her married of as a Muslim, and here is Muslims doing the same with Hindu orphans. We need more of these stories, we need Yogi Aditya Nath and Modi

Kashmir’s good story – Muslims adopting Hindu kids and raising them as such Read More »

Good story from Kerala – Hindu family adopts, raises and marries of a Muslim girl as a Muslim

Stories like this should roll a tear of joy, it did to me. Happiness is when there is no conflict and I am so happy to read this story. I pray the negative trends in India against interfaith marriages come to an end,  and let people marry whomever they want without harassment of any kind. If

Good story from Kerala – Hindu family adopts, raises and marries of a Muslim girl as a Muslim Read More »

Jewish-Muslim romance shaped one of India’s biggest pharma giants

This is a story of Muslim-Jewish romance and it is worth reading and reflecting.  The article “How a Muslim-Jewish romance shaped one of India’s biggest pharma giants” is the courtesy of Dawn News Paper and is appended below with gratitude.  It has all the elements of harmony, and the efforts of individuals to build cohesive

Jewish-Muslim romance shaped one of India’s biggest pharma giants Read More »


Bing single is easy. You are the dictator of your own life, spoiled by parents and pampered by friends. Your abilities and virtues are actually put into test once you get married and begin a new life with a partner! That’s when you get to know the limits of your sharing capability and tolerance threshold. The clichéd


You can’t stop people from falling in love

Sanjoy Sachdev’s Love Commandos is a perennially cash-strapped national network of volunteers who say they have helped around 50,000 interfaith and intercaste lovers in distress. On the phone, Sanjoy Sachdev, 57, always sounds like he’s in the middle of some cloak-and-dagger activity. “Can I call you tomorrow? There’s a rescue operation happening now.” When we

You can’t stop people from falling in love Read More »

Can parents with different religions raise kids successfully?

I spent last week with some close friends and had a good discussion about whether couples with differing religions can successfully raise a family. Their take was it would be difficult for the children. As a family counselor, I have seen about every constellation of religions and parents imaginable. Those with the same religion, those

Can parents with different religions raise kids successfully? Read More »

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