wedding officiant Mike Ghouse

Harry Weds Meghan

Harry and Meghan’s wedding is a milestone wedding in the history of racial and class relations. The broke the barriers and pave the way for greater acceptance. Hence, it is being written here at As a Pluralist, I have chosen to officiate the weddings of couples to reflect the essence of Bride and Groom’s religious and cultural

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Harry & Meghan: a Royal Romance

By Mike Ghouse, the interfaith wedding officiant While reviewing articles about Interfaith and Interracial marriages for our website, I came across an item that caught my attention – it is the romance between Harry and Meghan. What appealed to me was the relationship between an average American girl and the ‘Prince’.  Meghan represented America

Harry & Meghan: a Royal Romance Read More »

Indonesia; Interfaith Marriage is Legal – But With Many Obstacles

I have officiated a wedding – a Malaysian groom and a Vietnamese bride. It was a joy to go through their celebrations Mike Ghouse Wedding officiant # # # Indonesia, Interfaith Marriage is Legal – But With Many Obstacles Courtesy VOA  FILE – An Indonesian couple takes part in a mass interfaith wedding ceremony

Indonesia; Interfaith Marriage is Legal – But With Many Obstacles Read More »

Opposition to interfaith marriage in India puts many couples at risk

India was a blessed nation for thousands of years, it has had a good history of Pluralism and inclusion, all that is changing now with the right wing government who do not tolerate interfaith marraiges and carry out harassment and even killing.  All this will change, badness never lasts. Mike Ghouse Wedding Officiant #

Opposition to interfaith marriage in India puts many couples at risk Read More »

Interfaith unions less contentious today

Pleased to share about a marriage between a Baptist groom and a Methodist wife Mike Ghouse Wedding Officiant # # # RELIGION: Few families now abandon their kin for once-taboo marriages By Creede Hinshaw Recently, a friend told me about a decision he made that prompted his grandmother to stop speaking to him. Although

Interfaith unions less contentious today Read More »

Interfaith marriages can require big compromises

Individuals marry each other, not their faiths. Each faith is beautiful and is about creating harmony and building cohesive societies. Interfaith couples must be applauded for they come together with their given differences.  I am pleased to have officiated several interfaith weddings and have written quite extensively giving full value to the words of Universal

Interfaith marriages can require big compromises Read More »

Indian-American Marriages Are Now Interracial or Inter-Faith

s Almost 80 Percent Indian-American Marriages Are Now Interracial or Inter-Faith- Courtesy: INDIA NEW ENGLAND NEWS WALTHAM, MA—It is now official: Almost 80 percent of Indian-American marriages are now interracial, intercultural and interfaith in the United States, and more so in New England.  SHOBHA SHASTRY: PHOTO: JAY SRINIVASAN Indian-American weddings, which were mostly homogeneous about 20

Indian-American Marriages Are Now Interracial or Inter-Faith Read More »

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