
Jewish Marriage University starts Sept. 11

The fall session of Jewish Marriage University – a course for married, engaged and serious couples hosted by the Bureau of Jewish Education – will be held 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sundays, Sept. 11 and 25, with an additional class for interfaith couples 6:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21.

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What does it take to have a better relationship

SIX TOXIC RELATIONSHIP HABITSNo matter how much couples argue and fight, their underlying bottom line for the exercise is to improve their relationship, but sometimes they choose the wrong words and make it worse.  Please take the time to do this exercise.  Whether you are married or not, or considering exit-ing from the relationship, the following

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Interfaith Weddings

One must admire the couples that marry outside their tradition, ethnicity, faith, and race. Indeed, they are doing what the spiritual masters had done for thousands of years; to fall the barriers between people, and learn to respect the otherness of other and accept the God given uniqueness of each other. I have seen disappointments,

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For the Love of Huma – Jewish-Muslim story

For The Love Of Huma: The Jews should be proud of this man Anthony Weiner and Muslims ought to be proud of Huma Abedin. Personally I admire this couple for coming together for love which transcends all other created differences. It takes a lot of maturity to accept each other despite the differences and we

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