Author name: mikeghouse

How India’s weddings are changing

India is perhaps the first nation in the world with a record of interfaith weddings. The Great King Akbar married a Hindu princess and both kept their religions. India has been a beacon of hope – However, with the rise of jingoist nationalists, and silent approval of harassment of Interfaith couples, India witnessed severe setbacks

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Religious Resistance to Interfaith Marriages

Suggested Reading:  Can a Muslim Woman Marry a Non-Muslim? A thoroughly researched article and answers the reason and purpose of why there was resistance all these years. Mike Ghouse Interfaith Wedding Officiant Religious Resistance to Interfaith Marriages No group wants to lose members of its flock to others. That has been the secret reason for opposition

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Revisiting the Quran on Muslim Interfaith Marriage

Can a Muslim Woman Marry a Non-Muslim? A thoroughly researched article and answers the reason and purpose of why there was resistance all these years. Mike Ghouse Interfaith Wedding Officiant # # # Revisiting the Quran on Muslim Interfaith Marriage By: Farhad Shafti Courtesy – Exploring Islam  ​ The dominating understanding among Muslims is that

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Your Vagina Is Terrific

I am blessed to feel, act, think and believe in equality.  The following sentence caught my attention, “Women deferring to men about most things is infuriating enough, but about their most intimate body parts?” Dr. Gunter’s article is classic to understand Gender Equality or Gender Pluralism. The other article at this site where equality is

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Muslim interfaith Marriages in the United States

About 40% of men and women in the United States marry outside their faith. That is a Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jewish or the other will chose to marry a man or a woman from the other faith.  Let me make the statement more accurate, they don’t choose to marry the person from other faith, but

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